Arthur Dryver

Author's posts

Can you trust scientific research?

    Harvard professors paid to show sugar is better than fat by sugar industry in the 60s 90,_Credit_and_Banking Less than 10 More than 1/2 (I repeat more than 50

So true on product, marketing and sales

This is so true about product and marketing. Another video on numbers. ?This is about being better than your competition. ?So much better than those around you that you don’t need to compete for business. I remember when I moved to Bangkok Thailand years ago, over a decade, going out and networking with other foreigners …

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It’s all a numbers game

This video is for my business minded students. I view most things as a numbers game. Well I am a numbers guy at heart after all I did get my Ph.D. in statistics. ?When it comes to creating an online business I view it in the same way. This one is on how to create …

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Intro to PSPP – downloading

PSPP is a free software like SPSS – now IBM PASW.   Many people like SPSS/PASW, though it is expensive for a student or people wanting to learn statistics on their own. ?There is R but for some PSPP maybe a better choice. ?This software seems to be more user friendly than R. ?Especially for …

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Can statistics make you a better stock trader part 2?

This is part 2 of using statistics for trading stocks with a focus on moving averages. This covers simple moving averages and exponential moving averages. Note that he discusses using these techniques in the video in conjunction with other techniques.? I agree, would be nice if life were that simple and just a simple moving …

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Can statistics make you a better stock trader?

So do you wanna make money? Ever try trading stocks?? Now, have you ever tried using statistics to help your trading and improve your buying and selling strategy?? This example is one of a 2 part video lesson. This one focuses one two different statistics simple moving averages, and exponential moving averages.? This is a …

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The power of visualization

This is an awesome video demonstrating the power of visualization. Wouldn’t it be great if all statistical presentations could be shown this way. ? One thing I wounder about is what about inflation? ?Was it incorporated into these numbers? Regardless, this is the power of a great presentation. ?It tells a story in such a …

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Different fields can equal two different languages

A statistician and a marketer both speaking English but yet completely different languages.   I love this video. ?Sadly as the business majors be it in marketing, finance or whatever tend to decide on hiring and firing it is up to the nerds, I mean statisticians and data analysts to learn the language of the …

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So is it sexy to be a statistician?

This is a cool video on why statisticians and data analysts will be more and more in demand. I really enjoyed this video by Hal Varian chief economist of Google. ?I have my degrees in statistics so of course I am biased. ?That said, I teach many MBA and Business Ph.D. students and tell them …

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Y-Axis to Zero or Not Zero

Should the Y-axis always be zero in graphs? This is good post though unfortunately a bit misleading in my opinion. ?Excel often sets the Y-Axis to something non-zero. ?Thus although at times it is okay, many without statistical knowledge just use the default. Yes a picture is worth a thousand words and if made properly …

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