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V.I.P. Customer Project

Group assignment for 2-3 students. Customer Profiling and Determining Customer value. Your client is a start up cable company. It has been in business for approximately one year. They offer cable TV channels and Cable (High-Speed) internet. You will pretend that you are from a consulting firm presenting to a client with very little or no statistical background. You want to give your client an understanding of their customers who they are and how valuable or not they are to determine who should get V.I.P. status.? To answer who the V.I.P. customers are you must first answer, what is value in terms of your client’s definition?? Note: V.I.P. stands for very important person.

Each group will present the project on the date it is due, 2-3 weeks from when it is assigned. The presentation should be done in PowerPoint Graphs, etc., and must be done in Excel.   The presentation should be around 15 minutes long.  It is difficult to say, partly depends how fast people talk.

Finally, you will hand in the PowerPoint presentation and all supporting materials. You will be graded almost entirely on the PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation should be made as a stand-alone document. It should be made in a manner that it can be read and understood without your presence. Finally, presentations that show nothing beyond the given example presentation will not be considered “A” material. The client has given you the entire data
set, and you will work with the entire data set. You will be given the entire population of customers with various information. Such information will include payment history. One of your clients concerns is that some of their customers don?t pay. The client intends to use your findings to offer incentives to the specific people you determine as V.I.P.s.

Below is the data file layout:

gender (male=1)
ownhome (own=1)
Internet=1 then on the internet plan. Charge is 2,000 Baht/month for unlimited usage

plantype there are 5 plan types
1. iron the minimum number of channels offered 500 Baht/month
2. copper 750 Baht/month
3. jade 1,500 Baht/month
4. gold 2,000 Baht/month
5. platinum the maximum number of channels offered 2,500 Baht/month

Income: persons income, in Baht/Month
govtjob (if work in government=1)

(a) 0=Teenager,
(b) 1=College,
(c) 2=Newly Working,
(d) 3=Middle Age,
(e) 4=50s,
(f) 5=Retired
Address (this is to represent the person’s actual address) hours (the total number of hours used on the internet for the most recent month)

payment history (12 months the first status, status1, is 12 months ago the last one is the present status, for the month of December 2004)
(a) 0=current, not late on payment
(b) 1=30 days late
(c) 2=60 days late
(d) 3=90 days late
(e) 4=in default, and are not expected to pay, they are no longer considered your clients

Simulated cable data group1

Simulated cable data group2

Simulated cable data group3

Simulated cable data group4

Simulated cable data group5

Simulated cable data group6

Simulated cable data group7

Simulated cable data group8

Simulated cable data group9

Simulated cable data group10